G3-50 – Wood / Hybrid Tee


G3-50 – Wood / Hybrid Tee


Create your own Custom Pack of Flex-Head tees, any size, any color. The perfect way to purchase only the tees you use. The G3-50 is 2.00” in overall height. From the shoulder, the ball is 0.50” high. The G3-50 would be considered to fall in the High/Mid height range for Woods or Hybrids. Depends on personal preference. That range would be the G3-100, G3-50 and possibly the G3-NS. If you are using tees that are typically 1.00” in length, this is likely the tee you would choose.

The G3-50 works well for Woods and Hybrids, but it’s also a great tee for long/short irons as well. It can take a serious beating for years. It is one of our most popular tees. It does it all! In Dutch we prefer to call it our “Alleskunner”.